Current Planetary Positions in Tropical Zodiac Aka Western Astrology

This page is showing current planetary positions according to Tropical Zodiac Aka Western Astrology. You can also check current planetary positions based on Sidereal Zodiac Aka Vedic Astrology.

Date and Time of Planetary Transits
28 Apr 2024 at 06:08:08 (5.5)

Planetary Transit in Signs

Sun Tau08° 13' 30" 0.9720673
Moon Sag25° 06' 08" 13.0375945
Mars Pis27° 58' 41" 0.7718844
Mercury Ari16° 14' 08" 0.2026792
Jupiter Tau23° 25' 47" 0.2324884
Venus Ari28° 12' 32" 1.2323447
Saturn Pis16° 22' 23" 0.0905630
Rahu RAri15° 26' 57" -0.0542206
Neptune Pis28° 50' 19" 0.0310174
Pluto Aqu02° 05' 55" 0.0022762
Uranus Tau22° 13' 05" 0.0567581

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