Planet Transit Today with Planetary Positions Now in Astrology

Check Today's current planetary positions or Gochar of all planets based on sidereal or Vedic Astrology. You can also check Current Positions of Planets in Tropical Zodiac Aka Western Astrology.

Planetary transit has a lot to do in our day to day life. In ancient India, people used to start the day by examining daily transit (Gochar) of planets in order to take the advantage of favorable transit and simultaneously to make proper strategies for dealing with negative influences of planets.

Date and Time of Planetary Transits

27 Apr 2024 at 06:46:12 (5.5)

Planetary Ingress

Planetary Transit Now

Sun Aries13° 04' 59" 0.9724760
Moon Scorpio18° 19' 30" 12.8111994
Mars Pisces03° 01' 52" 0.7722051
Mercury Pisces21° 52' 50" 0.1245466
Jupiter Aries29° 00' 29" 0.2320755
Venus Aries02° 48' 50" 1.2324120
Saturn Aquarius22° 05' 21" 0.0915323
Rahu RPisces21° 18' 29" -0.0565181
Neptune Pisces04° 36' 46" 0.0312939
Pluto Capricorn07° 54' 03" 0.0027051
Uranus Aries27° 58' 04" 0.0565476

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Importance of Planetary Transit:

This page is intended to provide daily movement of planets according to sidereal astrology system. In above table, you can see position of each planet in a sign upto seconds. The planetary position that is available on this page is as of this moment.

Our ancestors had some unique and secret methods to figure out whether today’s transit will bring happiness or it is going to be a precarious one. Unfortunately most of such methods have been omitted; however, we can not neglect the importance of daily transit.

If you know your ascendant and Moon sign, you can still make the best possible use of daily transit in order to lead an anxiety free life. By and large, see if your Moon is transiting through 4th, 8th or 12th houses from your ascendant or moon sign, if yes, it can bring problems for you and simultaneously check the transit of your ascendant lord, ninth lord, tenth and eleventh lord as well to have a clear picture of the day. Even you can check their placement in constellations also, it will give in-depth information.

If you don’t know how to read planetary positions to make a prediction, then simply follow this link for customized Daily Predictions By Date of Birth.