Planets in Astrology

Characteristics and Personality Traits of Planets in Vedic Astrology

This section of the website is designed to give information of Vedic Planets. There are total nine planets in Indian Astrology i.e. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.

It is well known that Planets play a very important role in Vedic Astrology. Several things related to one’s density are directly connected with these planets.

Sun is the king of planetary cabinet. And Leo sign is ruled by him. Its exaltation sign is Aries and debilitated sign is Libra.

Moon is concerned as a queen of planetary system. Cancer sign is ruled by her. The Moon is exalted in Taurus and it is in debility in Scorpio.

Mars is commander in chief of the planetary Cabinet. Aries and Scorpio are ruled by Mars. Its exaltation sign is Capricorn and debilitated sign is Cancer.

Mercury is the heir apparent of the planetary cabinet. Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury. Mercury gets exalted in Virgo and it is in debility in Pisces.

Jupiter is BRAHMA and GURU of planetary cabinet. Sagittarius and Pisces are ruled by him. Its exaltation sign is Cancer and debilitated sign is Capricorn.

Venus is minister of the planetary cabinet. Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus. Venus gets exalted in Pisces and it is in debility in Virgo.

Saturn is the servant of the planetary cabinet. Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn. Its exaltation sign is Libra and debilitated sign is Aries

Planets Characteristics Interpretation

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Planetary Transit Calculation

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Current Planetary Positions in Sidereal Zodiac

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Current Trasnit of Planets in Nakshatra

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Current Transit of Planets in Tropical Zodiac

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Planets Transit in Zodiac Signs with Entry - Exit Timings

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